How can i prevent from getting acne when shaving

« ...Acne pit marks. Red blotches on your cheeks. Stretch marks. Brown sunspots. Hate what you see when you look in the mirror? Well, good news - thanks to a laser technology, skin flaws that were once considered permanent can now be erased....
...The important thing to do is to make sure that you understand where all of this information is coming from. Look at it critically, and make sure that when you are looking for solutions that you don't make your problems worse. Some facial creams, for instance, are purposefully astringent and you'll find that there are many different problems that occur when you put something astringent onto skin that is more than a little raw!...»
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«...Jay Brachfeld, M.D....»
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tags: exposed acne reviews, acne scar laser southern california, zinc tablets for acne